Golden Tulip Le Diplomate Cotonou i Cotonou

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N° 90 rue 12.017 - Boulevard de la Marina, Cotonou, Benin
Kontakter telefon: +229 21 30 02 00
Latitude: 6.349041, Longitude: 2.403309
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Kommentar 5

  • Freda Obeng-Ampofo

    Freda Obeng-Ampofo


    New hotel so things are pretty clean however the services are not the best. For instance, a guest has to go down to reception every 48 hour to get internet reset code. Breakfast is buffet and has options. I was also dissapointed that it didn't have a gym

  • Yildirim Kirgoz

    Yildirim Kirgoz


    Brand new hotel, clean, tidy, nice pool, ok breakfast, decent wireless connection. Rooms are quite nice too. Bravo to the management. Didn't try the food except breakfast. Not particularly rich but there is something for everybody.

  • Sean Davis

    Sean Davis


    Nice hotel - super clean rooms and properly working a/c units. My only gripe is how expensive the prices are on food and alcoholic beverages are, one .5L beer cost us 5000 we went to another location and paid 1200 for the same brand and size.

  • Henry Camp

    Henry Camp


    New, modern, well kept. Restaurant buffet better than most. Great pool area.

  • Eronmosele Aziba

    Eronmosele Aziba


    It is a nice hotel with lovely ambiance. The hotel is also quite spacious so outdoor activities will be possible. The staff are quite nice as well, that is once you can get through the huge, with emphasis on the "huge", language barrier. Essentially, if you don't speak french, you are going to have a massive problem

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